Features | |
Responsive | |
Dark Mode | |
BloggerScript V.1 (dayat.id) | |
Slider Homepage | |
Featured Post | |
Custom Post Label | |
Support Anime Dub | |
Streaming Multi Episode & Server | |
Anime Info | |
Bookmark (igniel.com) | |
Dst... | - |
Features | |
Responsive | |
Dark Mode | |
BloggerScript V.1 (dayat.id) | |
Slider Homepage | |
Featured Post | |
Custom Post Label | |
Support Anime Dub | |
Streaming Multi Episode & Server | |
Anime Info | |
Bookmark (igniel.com) | |
Dst... | - |
(kode harus di-parse)img:URL_GAMBAR
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletelook nice
Deletewill it be free? it's so nice
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteIt looks pretty good when will it be available for download?
ReplyDeletenext month at the latest
Deletedemo template blm ada bg?
ReplyDeleteThe admin said that we will have to wait this month at the latest.
Deleteomg ok 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻
Deletedemo is available
Deleteoke bg kai, kira2 bocoran selesai nya kapan ya? hmm..
Deleteudah tersedia
Deleteoki oki
ReplyDeleteapakah tema ini sudah jadi?
ReplyDeleteAt the moment nothing is known to be patient
Deletefor download not yet available
DeleteGreat, looks pretty good.
DeleteSetiap hari saya mengunjungi postingan ini
ReplyDeleteanjay slebewwwww, emg bagus sih tema nya..lebih modern..
DeleteApakah saya satu-satunya yang menganggap tema website Anix.to itu indah? Namun kini sudah tiada, bahkan tidak ada lagi website dengan tema seindah itu.
ReplyDeleteI also visit it daily and I think the same, still nothing is known about the subject or anything
DeleteI didn't know the official site was down.
Deletei got a clone of Anix.to though the official site is down , here is the site https://anix.sh/home
Deletewow amazing streaming template
Deletehello admin , i saw your anix blogger theme , is it complete ?
ReplyDeleteold theme that i don't work on anymore
DeleteCan i get that incomplete anix theme ?
DeleteI also want to
DeleteMe too
DeleteI'll wait for the documentation before saying the things that don't work well and by the way I like the theme of this blog it looks great I hope it goes well with the theme
ReplyDeleteAnix kembali
kalok boleh tau untuk desainnya mengambil dari manaya? saya tertarik dengan desainya.
ReplyDeletedari anicrush.to
Deletesetup tutorial ?
Delete@Anonim same as kaikomik template
Deleteokay bro . can you please clarify about the difference between the demo of this theme and theme file is having some features missing
Deleteyou mean az list
ReplyDeleteDitunggu hasilnya.
DeleteHow could I add more sessions like this? img: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhsBAThQPcuf0-KeQ8D9upJp1Icn-WaLByEACzaEccJYB504GVAISRkputmtVKVBuqHK-u5TA-KXwfaZktz7FDbFrDGRnCQ3ph0V2j7thSthwyVXraWWZGwZD5rFs-n3GZls8MCzbJYbgL_BuPdTmGEsfrcOkmB8fHMlpU4h-x14__RYBO-19j5SnLxUSDe/s1108/adadwdadad.png
ReplyDeleteadd label Upcoming
DeleteI want to create more sessions like this, I tried to duplicate it but it gave me an error
DeleteSend a picture of the label you use
DeleteI already did it, thanks
Deleteadmin missing AZ List code in documentation
ReplyDeleteaz list is on github
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleterekomendasi/related post di post ga ada min?
ReplyDeleteterus untuk button share this di post ga ada reaksi apa2 setelah di klik.
Ngikut tema aslinya memang tidak ada related post nya dan tombol nya memang tidak ada fungsiny
Deletemin untuk atur e-info nya gimana?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
Deletetinggal kamu ubah aja
Deleteconst config = {
eInfo: {
cover: 'LINK_COVER',
japanese: 'ISI',
aired: 'ISI',
duration: 'ISI',
episodes: 'ISI',
producers: 'ISI',
iya min sudah di kasih tau sana si han haoyu diatas, tapi komennya di hapus.
Deleteoh iya min, untuk toogle di dubbed sama EN name gada fungsi nya yaa? itu aku klik on off ga bisa
Iya memang gada fungsinya
Deletetes gambar
tes kode pendek
ReplyDelete<div class='ignielBookmarks'></div>
kode panjang
Web Blog Bookmark With Browser Local Storage
Created by: igniel.com
Source code: https://www.igniel.com/2022/12/widget-bookmark-blog.html
<b:if cond='data:view.isSingleItem'>
<div class="ignielBookmarkPost">
<input expr:id='"bm-" + data:post.id' type="checkbox"/>
<label aria-label="Bookmark" expr:data-img='data:post.featuredImage ? resizeImage(data:post.featuredImage, 100, "3:2") : resizeImage("", 100, "3:2")' expr:data-title='data:post.title' expr:data-url='data:post.url' expr:for='"bm-" + data:post.id'>
<svg viewBox="0 0 24 24">
<path d="M16.8199 2H7.17995C5.04995 2 3.31995 3.74 3.31995 5.86V19.95C3.31995 21.75 4.60995 22.51 6.18995 21.64L11.0699 18.93C11.5899 18.64 12.4299 18.64 12.9399 18.93L17.8199 21.64C19.3999 22.52 20.6899 21.76 20.6899 19.95V5.86C20.6799 3.74 18.9499 2 16.8199 2Z"/>
<path d="M12 8.20996V13.21"/>
<path d="M14.5 10.6499H9.5"/>
ReplyDeletesend your web link to be checked, there should be no problem with the menu button
ReplyDeleteor the part you deleted
ReplyDeleteWhen you have it active, your profile picture should appear here. img: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgGfRq68wVMkZNuMxgyYfXibpnc9wDu217QMp-htBI-u_TV2lzyX22kdP_1OqXMJwl_If-hGPvOONR86Gl8SNDDIMbBKu5DIpWc4NQPUHNVeOfr316iU2PWiV3bspbxy-PRmpzlIFeqbYO5gMRodOKn8ifsHgmjIiZvbtpvCHkxZTE8RR4mgVXjKXdEmqdH/s320/xdxd.png
ReplyDeletehello min , i got an issue with the profile picture
ReplyDeleteit is showing all collaborators name instead only one
screenshot : img:https://ibb.co/PFBBpnz
pas di pasang videplayer, kenapa gak bisa fullscreen ya bg?
coba deh lihat di web https://shiroiji.blogspot.com
cari ini didalam edit template
Delete<iframe allow='autoplay; fullscreen; geolocation; display-capture; picture-in-picture' id='player-iframe' mozallowfullscreen='true' scrolling='no' src='' webkitallowfullscreen='true'/>
ganti menjadi
<iframe allow='accelerometer; autoplay;gyroscope; picture-in-picture' allowfullscreen='' crossorigin='anonymous' frameborder='0' id='player-iframe' loading='lazy' scrolling='no' src=''/>
wah, makasih banyak bang
Deletemin, untuk schedule sama forum itu gimana caranya biar ada isinya min?
ReplyDeleteschedule memang tidak ada, kamu bisa dapatkan disini https://github.com/wernayasa/JadwalStreaming atau https://www.dayat.id/2022/09/jadwal-rilist-otomatis-v1.html
Deletedan forum , kamu cari ini
<b:includable id='page' var='post'> dan cari <data:post.body/> dan ganti menjadi <data:post.body/>
<b:include cond='data:post.allowComments' data='post' name='commentPicker'/>
cara pakai https://github.com/wernayasa/JadwalStreaming gimana bg?
Deletepakai yang ini, udah di sesuaikan dengan css nya
schedulenya masih belum muncul bang, padahal udah ku masukkan scriptnya di halaman https://ibb.co.com/P9JwJz4
Deletekamu ada ngedit bagian ini <b:includable id='page' var='post'>
ya bang, itu dari code yang kamu kirim 3 hari lalu
Deleteeh gak deh bang, yang belumku ganti
Deletebg, kenapa di bagian profilenya malah begini ya? https://i.ibb.co.com/QQ8mM4D/Screenshot-2024-12-12-150654.png
ReplyDeleteganti <b:widget id='Profile1' locked='false' title='Mengenai Saya' type='Profile' version='2' visible='true'>.....</b:widget>
data:i == 0 itu gambar profile pertama , data:i == 1 gambar profile kedua dan strusnya
Deletemakasih bang
Deletebang, caranya agar tombol EN Name itu berfungsi gimana?
ReplyDeleteKai, could a player like Plyr.io be installed in the template? How could I add numbered episodes? Do you think it's a good idea?
ReplyDeletebg demonya udh gabisa diakses